Counseling Services

Adoption/Children in Care
Adoption is an exciting event in a family’s life. However, forming a family through adoption may come with challenges. In particular, children who have experienced early trauma may have difficulty attaching or experience challenges at both home and school – in these cases parents often find themselves looking for support. OCATT therapists use a family-centred approach to the challenges experienced by adopted children, children in foster care and their families. We draw on the most effective attachment nurturing models in order to create a safe base from which your child can heal and your family can thrive.
Children are born “wired” to connect with their caregivers. Unfortunately, early life experiences of multiple caregivers and/or trauma can get in the way of building healthy attachment. OCATT therapists work with children in care and adopted children who are struggling with attachment difficulties using a method called Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP). DDP takes an attachment-focused, trauma informed and family centered approach. Parents are actively involved in this therapy.
The main goal of DDP is to create safety for the child so that a secure attachment can develop with their caregivers. Parents and therapist work together to create a safe environment which allows the child to address trauma and come to terms with their anger and shame. In DDP both parents and therapist approach the child using empathy, acceptance and curiosity.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur after someone goes through a traumatic event (first responders, combat, assault, violent crime or disasters). Trauma is a natural emotional reaction to terrible experiences that involve actual or threatened serious harm to oneself or others. Most people have some stress reactions after a traumatic event. However, for some people, the thoughts or memories of these events seriously affect their lives, long after any real danger has passed. This is classified as post-traumatic stress disorder, a serious anxiety disorder. If you have a diagnosis of PTSD, or suspect you may be struggling with PTSD, OCATT Therapists can help you navigate through this difficult period of your life.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a brain-based physical disability caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol. CANFASD, a national research organization, estimates that 4% of Canadians are affected by FASD, although poor access to assessment and the complexity of the disorder suggests that this number may be low.
FASD is complex and affects many different areas of life, from executive functioning (the brain’s ability to organize information) to mental health to physical health. A study completed in 2016 showed that there are over 400 different diagnosis that are co-morbid (occur together) with FASD. People with FASD are far more likely to struggle with anxiety, compromised attachment and trauma. They are also more likely to have challenges with short term memory loss and processing language which can make “talk therapy” challenging.
At OCATT, some of our therapists have years of experience working with clients with FASD and, therefore, know how to adapt therapy to meet the unique needs of clients from such complex backgrounds. They can also help support families going through the assessment process and understand the support needed throughout the lifespan.

Developmental Trauma
When a child is exposed to multiple traumatic events in the care of their primary caregivers, it is referred to as developmental trauma. In these circumstances, a child’s energy is focused on surviving and developing skills to protect themselves. These crisis survival skills may not be helpful when trying to enter into a stable relationship with a safe caregiver like a foster or adoptive parent. Since trauma occurred in relationship, it is in relationship that healing will occur. One of the most challenging things for a child to learn is to trust an adult when they have been let down by adults in the past. We work with parent and child together to write a new story of safety, healing and acceptance.
Adult Attachment
Adults, like children, are wired for connection to other people. Experiences in early relationships create a blueprint that informs an adult’s ability to enjoy healthy relationships. If you are currently struggling in your adult relationships, OCATT therapists can help you explore your early and formative relationships and uncover your ability to develop healthy relationships in the present. We recognize that while relationships can create the most pain in our lives, they can also bring the greatest healing.

Caregiver Fatigue
Caregiver Fatigue occurs as emotional exhaustion from caring for a loved one who has experienced trauma or is struggling with mental or physical illness. It can involve a decrease in empathy and a decline in feelings of pleasure, alongside an increase in stress, anxiety and negativity. Parents and loved ones caring for a child/spouse who is struggling do not get to go home at the end of the day to escape from the stress. In time caregivers and family members may begin to isolate themselves and experience anger at their loved one as they lose hope. We at OCATT recognize that there are times when it is difficult to carry on with these feelings of isolation. OCATT therapists are willing to journey alongside you.
Depression is much more than simple unhappiness. Depression is a complex mood disorder caused by various factors, including genetic predisposition, personality, stress and brain chemistry. Depression is not something that people can “get over” on their own. Symptoms of depression include feeling sad, worthless, hopeless, guilty, irritable and angry. It can be hard to concentrate, learn new things or make decisions. Depression can change the way people eat and sleep, and many people experience physical health problems. Therapists at OCATT are trained to help you work through depression and alleviate the symptoms.

Anxiety disorders can affect anyone at any age. Sometimes, anxiety is triggered by a specific, stressful life experience. Everyone experiences symptoms of anxiety, but they are generally short-lived and do not cause problems. But when symptoms of anxiety are persistent and cause distress in a person’s life to the point that it negatively affects the ability to work, study, socialize and manage daily tasks, it may be time to seek help. OCATT therapists can help you navigate symptoms of anxiety and develop coping strategies.
Couple Therapy
Every couple has challenges that can ‘pop-up’ or build over time. Dealing with daily stressors at work, raising children, and financial worries are problems that can erode a couple’s relationship. Whether you are dealing with communication problems, life transitions or infidelity, OCATT therapists can help you and your partner heal from painful events, increase communication skills and renegotiate the relationship.

Brainspotting is an advanced brain-body therapy that can be used across all ages and stages of life from infancy through to adulthood. Originally born out of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Brainspotting supports the reprocessing and releasing of complex developmental trauma, anxiety, addictions, depression, sports injuries, chronic pain, and residual emotional stress by retraining the brain’s response to the body’s emotional reactions. Brainspotting is based on the premise that ‘where you look affects how you feel.’ Finding the eye positions that correlate with the unconscious mind’s unresolved emotional experiences, Brainspotting is able to reach parts of the brain that are not generally accessed through traditional talk therapy approaches. Therefore, Brainspotting can provide relief from distress. Brainspotting can be used on its own or in addition to other therapies.
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Other Services

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is a healthcare profession that helps those who have physical, sensory, emotional, or cognitive challenges. OT helps people gain independence in their daily lives. Occupational therapy for children helps them learn how to play, improve their educational performance, and participate in the daily activities of being a child. Occupational Therapists are registered health care professionals with specific knowledge relating to neuroscience and how the brain and body work together for a child to be able to self-regulate. Our occupational therapists have extensive post-graduate training in psycho-sensory and sensory-motor interventions using a trauma-informed, attachment-based approach.
OT can help with the following concerns:
- Self-regulation at home, school, and in our community
- Improving sleep
- Increasing independence for self-care, bathing, and dressing skills
- Tactile sensitivity
- Auditory hypersensitivity
- Motion sickness
- Developing body awareness
- Coordination challenges
- Fine motor challenges
- Handwriting skills
- Difficulties with picky eating
- Introducing appropriate leisure activities and exercise programs for children with sensory-motor and neuroregulation challenges
- Development of individual sensory diet programs for home and school
- Design of sensory-motor spaces in homes and schools